

Do you know, beauty is the women’s power? If not why you think women are so concern about how they look. Since ancient time beauty is being playing important rule in women’s life. And I am as a woman myself I would not even try to not agree with that natural instinct, and why should we try to be come some one else, where is not our nature. Does not mean we women are consider not intelligence if we care of how we look or being charming as a female way of doing it. Why not to have it all! Smart, beautiful, and charming. Does not mean for us of being beautiful female and being feminine and that mean you can’t be independent or be a lawyer or be so and so. There is not wrong as such as to care of how we look.
I wasn’t shock when I question 9years old girl whose I know that she is not just confident but also intelligence young girl “what health mean to you?” So fast and so natural she said, “ to look beautiful, smart and sexy?” and at the same time she was waiting for my approval. I laugh at the while inside my heart said, “you have it all babe!” I believe that biological female instinct.

I believe God is absolutely fair to create all deferent kind of beauty where there is no such thing as a definition for universal beauty, I can’t really classified it, may someone find her beautiful may another find not. Beautiful or not, it is just how the way you feel about your self!

To have healthy and beauty look is not difficult, doesn’t need to spend a lot of money. Not necessary you have to go to all those giant cosmetic company to be come richer from where they’re already are, or to do plastic surgery to cover your real beauty and to look like some one else that you saw on television or female magazine. Who ever you think that create this universe its so smart its all there what ever you need it has been born surround you even before He create you.
Now it’s much more easy, you can select some common herbs from your kitchen or supermarket and then create your owned formula and work instantly for you beauty need.